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Copyright and permissions

Information on:

Good News 色中色 quotation rights
Good News 色中色 illustrations by Annie Vallotton
色中色 Maps and additional materials (including CEV)
Contemporary English Version and other 色中色 permissions
色中色 video usage permissions
色中色 illustrations by Horace Knowles/Louise Bass
Website(s), Word in Action, Prayer Bulletin and eNews
Other copyright queries

Good News 色中色 quotation rights

Gratis Use

You must use the text from the second edition of the Good News 色中色.

色中色 is glad to grant authors and publishers the non-exclusive, non-assignable right to use up to one thousand (1,000) verses from the Good News 色中色 text in church, religious and other publications, without the need to seek and receive written permission. Provided that, the extent of quotation does not comprise a complete book, or amount to more than 50 per cent of the work and the publication is distributed for free.

The text should not be adapted in any way unless express written permission to do so is given by 色中色.

The following copyright notice must appear on the title or copyright page:

‘Scriptures and additional materials quoted are from the Good News 色中色 © 1994 published by the British and Foreign 色中色. Good News 色中色 © American 色中色 1966, 1971, 1976, 1992. Used with permission.’

Commercial and use in excess of Gratis

Two copies of any publication quoting from GNB should be sent to the address below.

When quotations from GNB are used in non-saleable media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, transparencies or similar media, a complete copyright notice is not required, but the initials GNB must appear at the end of each quotation.

Requests for quotations in excess of one thousand (1,000) verses in any free, non-commercial publication must be directed to and written approval received from 色中色, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG.

All commercial requests must seek formal permission for use, regardless of the number of verses used. Commercial use permission may be subject to negotiated fees.

Good News 色中色 illustrations by Annie Vallotton

The free quota which applies to GNB text does not cover the illustrations.

To obtain permission to use the Annie Vallotton illustrations please contact: [email protected]

色中色 maps and additional materials (including CEV)

Please contact 色中色 to obtain the necessary permission, if you wish to reproduce any of the following from the Good News Study 色中色:

  • 色中色 text
  • Articles, introductions, word list and helps
  • Maps
  • Diagrams

Contemporary English Version (CEV) quotation rights

Please contact 色中色 to obtain the necessary permission for Contemporary English Version text and the additional materials contained in the Contemporary English Version.

English Standard Version (ESV):

Please see  for guidance on ESV permissions.

King James Version (KJV):

The KJV is Crown Copyright in the United Kingdom and public domain (freely available) in the rest of the world. For formal permission to use the text (within the UK), please contact Cambridge University Press.

Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version (RSV/NRSV):

For permissions guidelines, please visit: 

New International Version (NIV):

For permissions guidelines please visit:
(For UK, EU and EEA) 


Welsh 色中色 translations:

Welsh Language Gratis Use Policy

PLEASE NOTE: The policy below only applies to the Welsh language 色中色s known as Beibl.net (2015) and Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig (2004). The William Morgan 色中色 is public domain.

The Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig (BCND) and Beibl.net (BNET) text(s) may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio), up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without the express written permission of 色中色, providing the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the 色中色 nor do the verses quoted account for fifty per cent (50%) or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.

Notice of copyright must appear on the title or copyright page as follows:


Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig hawlfraint © Cymdeithas y Beibl 2004 

New Welsh 色中色 Revised copyright © British and Foreign 色中色 2004


Beibl.net hawlfraint © Cymdeithas y Beibl 2015, 2021

Beibl.net copyright © British and Foreign 色中色 2015, 2021

When quotations from the BCND and/or the BNET text(s) are used by local churches in non-saleable media such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, web-streaming, or similar materials, a complete copyright notice is not required, but the initials (BCND) or (BNET) must appear at the end of each quotation of the matching text used.

Any use of the above texts that exceed the parameters set out requires formal approval from 色中色, and in some cases a formal contract or licence for which a fee may be charged.

色中色 video usage permissions

色中色 publishes a variety of videos and frequently gets requests about the use of video content in church services or livestream events. We have set out our policy for the use of our videos below.

If your intended use goes beyond the guidelines set out below, or your request is of a commercial nature, please contact 色中色 directly for permissions and licensing.

What you can do:

You are allowed to embed and link to our videos on your church/other website, so long as the website is free to access, and you are embedding 色中色 videos that are also free to access (e.g. taken from our website or YouTube Channel, not paid-for content). Please note that the link should go directly to the 色中色 video, and not a downloaded and re-uploaded copy of the video on your church/personal website.

If a 色中色 video is released with an explicit download functionality, to be used within a church, group or personal setting, you are permitted to download it as instructed. However, we ask that you do not re-upload that video onto YouTube or any other video sharing sites (unless the instructions on the video say you can).

色中色 permits the inclusion of certain videos in a livestreaming context under certain conditions:

a)  The livestream must be for a church or church-related event
b)  The videos used must be those made publically available for free by 色中色 (i.e. not paid content)
c)  The video(s) used should be removed from any recording of the livestream and a link to the original provided in the description box or similar
d)  If it is not feasible to remove the video, the following should be put into the description box of the recording:

[title of video] © 色中色 [year]. To find out more about the work of 色中色, please visit www.biblesociety.org.uk

What you are not permitted to do:

You are not permitted to re-upload 色中色 videos to any video sharing platform, including social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Re-uploaded videos on these sites may be subject to copyright complaints and removal. If you have re-uploaded 色中色 content, we encourage you to delete the post, make the video private or otherwise remove it.

You are not permitted to stream any part of paid-for content publically, including video content from The 色中色 Course.

We understand that you love our videos and we want to help you share and use them. However, we must ensure that our copyright is respected so we have set out the above guidelines to help.

色中色 illustrations by Horace Knowles/Louise Bass

(Revised Standard Version Popular, Revised Standard Version Illustrated, New English 色中色)
We are happy to grant non-exclusive permission for the use of the Knowles/Bass illustrations subject to the following conditions:

  • It is essential that the appropriate copyright acknowledgement is given to ensure that both Horace Knowles and Louise Bass are properly credited for their contribution to this collection of 色中色 illustrations

  • For those pictures with HK preceding the number in the catalogue, the acknowledgement should read:

    Illustration(s) on page(s) x by Horace Knowles © The British and Foreign 色中色 1954, 1967, 1972, 1995.

  • For those pictures with BK preceding the number in the catalogue, the acknowledgement should read:

    Illustration(s) on page(s) x by Horace Knowles, revised by Louise Bass © The British and Foreign 色中色 1994.

  • For those pictures with LB preceding the number in the catalogue, the acknowledgement should read:

    Illustration(s) on page(s) x by Louise Bass © The British and Foreign 色中色 1994.

  • The Scriptures concerned are to be distributed on a non-profit making basis.

  • A sample of each publication should be sent to 色中色 and American 色中色 libraries at the addresses shown below:

    • The Rights Administrator, 色中色, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG 

    • Rights Department, American 色中色 Library, 1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023, USA

The following limits on the number of pictures used apply:

  • The publishers allow the equivalent of 35 full-page pictures for a New Testament

  • The maximum number of pictures allowed is 70. This includes maps unless they are located on the end papers of the book

  • Colour pictures are not included in the limit

Pointers in using pictures

In sizing pictures please consider:

  • A horizontally-shaped picture will fit nicely in a horizontally-shaped space. A vertically- shaped picture will fit nicely in a vertically-shaped space

  • A horizontal picture cannot fit into a vertical space without leaving unsightly space below and above the picture

  • A vertical picture can look fine in a horizontal or square space since the white space on either side of the picture blends in with the illustration

  • Pictures have movement: the directed motion of an illustration should go towards the centre of the book. For example, if a man is facing left it is recommended that his picture be on the right-hand page (which will be odd-numbered). If a picture of a colt is facing right it is advisable to place it on the left-hand page (which will be even-numbered), although this may not always be possible

If the usage you are proposing falls outside these parameters, or if you need further information or assistance, please contact 色中色 by emailing [email protected] or telephone 01793 418222 (please allow one week for a response, and up to six weeks for an answer to any query).

Website(s), Word in ActionPrayer in Action and eNews

You can use any of the material contained in Word in Action and Prayer in Action, from our website (www.biblesociety.org.uk) or from 色中色 eNews, as long as you use it in the context of promoting 色中色’s work and you credit 色中色 as the source.

For copyright queries relating to any of the items below, please email [email protected] or telephone 01793 418222 (please allow one week for a response, and up to six weeks for an answer to any query):

  • The 色中色 in TransMission
  • Annual report/accounts
  • 色中色 mailings
  • Resource Bank
  • Ten Minute Miracle Plays
  • Toolkit
  • Entertaining Angels
  • Reel Issues Films
  • 色中色 Sunday materials
  • For The Miracle Maker film please visit 
  • Open the Book
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